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petak, 6. lipnja 2008.

Janis Joplin

Janis Lyn Joplin (siječanj 19, 1943 - Listopad 4, 1970) je američka pjevačica, songwriter, glazbe i aranžer, iz: Port Arthur, Texas. She rose to prominence in the late 1960s as the lead singer of Big Brother and the Holding Company , and later as a solo artist. Ona ustade da neravnina u kasnim 1960-ih kao vodeća pjevačica u Big Brother i Holding Company, a kasnije i kao solo umjetnik. In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine ranked Joplin #46 on its list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. She died in Los Angeles, California of a drug overdose at the age of 27. In 2004, Rolling Stone magazin rangirani Joplin # 46 na svojoj listi od 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.
Janis Joplin was born to Seth and Dorothy (East) Joplin;
[2] her father was an engineer at Texaco , her mother, registrar at a business college. Janis Joplin rođena je u Seth i Dorothy (East) Joplin; njezin otac bio je inženjer u TEXACO, majke, matičar na poslovnom koledžu. She had two younger siblings, Michael and Laura. Ona je imao dva mlađa siblings, Michael i Laura. The Joplins felt that Janis always needed more attention than their other children, with her mother stating, "She was unhappy and unsatisfied without [receiving a lot of attention]. The normal rapport wasn't adequate." The Joplins osjetio da Janis uvijek je potreban da bi se više pozornosti nego njihove druge djece, s majkom navodi, "Bila je nesretan i nezadovoljen bez [primaju mnogo pozornosti]. Normal rapport nije bio adekvatan."
As a teenager, she befriended a group of outcasts, one of whom had albums by African-American
blues artists Bessie Smith and Leadbelly , who Joplin later credited with influencing her decision to become a singer. She began singing in the local choir and expanded her listening to blues singers such as Odetta and Big Mama Thornton . Kao tinejdžer, ona befriended grupa od raspršene, jedan od kojih su albuma by African-American blues umjetnika Bessie Smith i Leadbelly, koji Joplin kasnije dodijeljen koji utječu na njezinu odluku da postane pjevač. Ona je počeo pjevanja u lokalnoj zbor i prošireno njom slušajući blues pjevača kao što su Odetta i Big Mama Thornton.
Primarily a painter while still in school, she first began singing
blues and folk music with friends. Svega slikar dok je još uvijek u školi, ona je prvo počeo pjevanje blues i folk glazbu s prijateljima. While at Thomas Jefferson High School , she stated that she was mostly shunned. Joplin was quoted as saying, "I was a misfit. I read, I painted, I didn't hate niggers." As a teen, she became overweight and her skin broke out so badly she was left with deep scars which required dermabrasion . Other kids at high school would routinely taunt her and call her names like "pig," "freak" or "creep." Iako na Thomas Jefferson High School, je izjavio da je uglavnom shunned. Joplin je citiran kao govoreći: "Bio sam loše pristajati. Pročitao sam, ja oslikana, nisam hate niggers." Kao tinejdžerka , Ona je postala težine i njezina koža je izbio tako strašno ona je s lijeve strane duboki ožiljci koji su potrebni dermabrasion. Ostalo djecu u srednju školu bi rutinski podsmijeh joj i poziv njezina imena kao što su "prase", "nakaza "Ili" creep ".
Joplin graduated from high school in 1960 and attended the
University of Texas at Austin , though she did not complete her studies. The campus newspaper ran a profile of her in 1962 headlined "She Dares To Be Different." Joplin završio srednju školu u 1960 i prisustvovao na Sveučilištu Texas u Austinu, iako ona nije joj studija. kampusu novine ran profil je u 1962 headlined "Ona Dares biti drugačije." bi od 27.

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